Monday, December 06, 2010

An Examination of Conscience for Families

G. Molteni, La confessione, 1838
Picture source

The following is a part of Father Robert Fox's examination of conscience from his Prayer Book for Catholics.
1. Have I contributed to happiness and harmony in my family by patience, kindness, forgiveness and understanding?

2. Have I obeyed my parents?

3. Have I taken a united front with my spouse in disciplining children in justice and love?

4. Have I participated in daily family prayer?

5. Have I helped instruct children in the faith or delegated it entirely to others, forgetting that parents are the primary educators of their children?

6. Did I give good example to my children by participating in Holy Mass and frequently the sacraments?

7. Do I take an active interest in whether each of my children is growing in knowledge and love of his faith and identifying with Christ's Church?

8. Do I observe whether my teenagers go to confession frequently.

9. Do I really know each one of my children?

10. Have I been a good example in manifesting positive Catholic thinking and conversations and by exercising living authority as a parent?

11. Have I been sensitive to the needs of my spouse?

12. Have I caused hurt to self and family members by the use of drugs or drink?

14. Have I prudently guided my older children into Catholic marriages or advised them kindly to select a spouse who will help lead them to salvation?

16. Have I been faithful to my (husband/wife) in my heart and in relations with others?

17. Do I visit and keep in frequent touch with elderly parents?

18. Have I given sufficient time to each of my children or am I more married to my work?

19. Do I provide good Catholic reading in my home and watch what literature comes into the home?

20. As a parent do I have good moral standards as to which television programs are harmful and which can assist to develop wholesome Christian principles in family members?

21. Do I understand love for family members means sacrificing self?

22. Have I tried to uplift my spouse in moments of suffering, discouragement?

23. Do I show appreciation for my spouse's (parent's) good points or only criticize negatively?

24. Have I caused pain and sorrow to my parents?

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