Saturday, November 06, 2010

Reparation to the Immaculate Heart

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Immaculate Mother, I come to you to offer my love, my very life, and my Confession and Holy Communion in reparation for the sins committed against your all holy and Immaculate Heart. I desire too to offer the holy Rosary and meditation on its mysteries in reparation to your Immaculate Heart.

I offer these acts in reparation to you, O Mary Immaculate, especially for the following reasons:

- In reparation for the blasphemies that are uttered against your Immaculate Conception;

- In reparation for those who deny your perpetual Virginity and speak in any way against your holiness;

- In reparation for those who deny your Divine Maternity, refusing at the same time to accept you as the Mother of all mankind;

- In reparation for hose who try publicly to implant in the hearts of children indifference, contempt, and even hatred toward your Immaculate Heart;

- In reparation for those who insult you directly in your holy statues and images.

O Mother of God and Mother of men, Mother mine, take me as your child, grant comfort to my poor sinful heart, even as I desire to grant comfort and offer reparation to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Amen.

*Recommended for First Saturday devotions along with confession, communion, and five decades of the Rosary with at least fifteen minutes of meditation.
- Prayerbook for Catholics, Father Robert J. Fox

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