Friday, November 05, 2010

Old St. Peters Catholic Church and Blessed Seelos

Sign in front of Old St. Peter's Church in NYC

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at Old St. Peter's Church
The following is an excerpt from Cheerful Ascetic, the Blessed Francis X. Seelos' biography I am currently reading.  I found it very interesting that Bl. Seelos gave missions in New York and New Jersey.

My family visited Old St. Peter's Church in 2009.  I feel blessed being in a Church where a priest who will one day be canonized, actually gave a mission.  As you can see from the above plaque, it appears that Father Seelos gave the mission in the present Church and not the original one that stood at that site until 1836.
"Perhaps Seelos' greatest moment as superior of the band came in May, 1865, when he led six missionaries in giving a mission at Saint Peter's, the mother church of New York.  It was a crucial mission, because since 1858, when the five convert Fathers had left them, the Redemptorists  had not given the exercises in the metropolis."

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