Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Courage to Combat Violence Done in the Name of Islam

"...That the world has been turning a deaf ear to the cries of Iraqi Christians was emphasized by Syrian Catholic Patriarch Ignace Joseph III Younan of Antioch in Lebanon. “Christians are slaughtered in Iraq, in their homes and churches, and the so-called ‘free’ world is watching in complete indifference, interested only in responding in a way that is politically correct and economically opportune, but in reality is hypocritical,” said the Patriarch, who from 1995-2009 was the Bishop of Our Lady of Deliverance of Newark, NJ. “There are a few churches and Christian institutions left in Baghdad, not so great a number that it is not unreasonable for them to be protected, security-wise,” he continued, saying that the protection provided by the Iraqi government is “far less than what we have hoped for and requested.”..."

Read the entire article The Courage to Combat Violence Done in the Name of Islam here

H/T to Sue Cifelli

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