Thursday, October 28, 2010

On What it Takes to be a Good Bishop

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The following is from a letter the very humble Father Francis Xavier Seelos wrote to Pope Pius IX as a way of preventing any consideration of him being appointed bishop.
" is absolutely necessary that a bishop have a strong mind and be altogether above human respect. He must root out what should be rooted out, build what should be built, and not fear the face of men, whether they be clerics or laypeople. He should defend himself and his good cause before judges and adversaries. The bishop chosen for that diocese should be as a fortified city, a pillar of iron and a wall of brass..."
- Cheerful Ascetic: The Life of Francis Xavier Seelos, S.Ss.R. by Michael J. Curley, C.Ss.R.

I again take this opportunity to remind you that our bishops need our prayers. If you haven't already signed up, please consider offering up a Rosary for your bishop. You can find more details at Rosary for the Bishop.


  1. What a beautiful crosier

  2. Take a look at the global participation map for Rosary for the Bishop at !
    God bless, and please join!

  3. I thought so too, Mimi.

    Syte: Wow! I was glad to see at least two of us praying in HI. Thanks.
