Friday, October 01, 2010

Feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

On her conversion on Christmas as a child:  
"I felt charity enter into my soul, and the need to forget myself and to please others."

Therese Age 13
"O my God, your love has gone before me, and it has grown with me, and now it is an abyss whose depths I cannot fathom."

Child Thérèse Picture source

Martin Sisters

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Louis and Zélie Martin

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"On every side this love is unknown, rejected; those hears upon whom You would lavish it turn to creatures; they do this instead of throwing themselves into Your arms and of accepting Your infinite love."

Picture source

Sister Thérèse's Habit
 "I understood how easy it is to become all wrapped up in self, forgetting entirely the sublime goal of one's calling."

Picture source

To see photographs of St. Thérèse and the camera which her sister Celine used to take the photos of her beloved sister, please check out Marc Dan's gallery

The Tomb of St. Thérèse of Lisieux
"I always feel the same bold confidence of becoming a great saint because I don't count on my merits since I have none, but I trust in him who is Virtue and Holiness.  God alone, content with my weak efforts, will raise me to himself and make me a saint."

Quotes are from October 2010 issue of Magnificat.

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Death of St. Therese

Painting of the Death of St. Thérèse source

Souer Thérèse Martin's obituary can be found here

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