Saturday, October 02, 2010

Feast of Our Guardian Angels

This post is dedicated to my guardian angel, who has always protected me and guided me and whom I have, regretfully, thanked in return by often forgetting him and taking him for granted.

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Tertullian recommended that we do not sit while praying out of respect for "the angel of prayer who is at our side."

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"Everyone of the faithful, is assisted by an angel, and Christ is our witness that these angels behold the face of the Father continually." - Origen

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"An angel is assigned to every believer, unless we drive him away through sin.  He guards the soul like an army on alert." - St. Basil the Great

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"St. Thomas Aquinas believed that every newborn drew the attention of both an angel and a devil, and that Baptism gave the angel the advantage."

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"Whenever we have to speak with someone who is rather closed to our argument, and with whom therefore the conversation needs to be very persuasive, we go to our guardian angel.  We recommend the matter to him.  We ask him to take it up with the guardian angel of the person we have to see.  And once the two angels establish an understanding, the Pope's conversation with his visitors is much easier." -  Pope Pius XI to Msgr. Angelo Roncalli, who later was named Pope John XXIII.  Pope John XXIII later confided to his sister that he said the prayer 'Angel of God, my guardian dear' at least five times a day.

St. Gemma Galgani claimed to see her guardian angel regularly.  She thought of him as a brother.

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"If you find it impossible to pray, charge your Good Angel to pray in your stead."  - St. John Vianney

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"Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit; for, without being seen, they are present with you." - St. Francis de Sales

Quote source - All About Angels, Published by the Catholic Digest.

Tertullian quote - Magnificat Magazine, October Issue 2010

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