Monday, October 25, 2010

CatholicTV Widget Now on 154 Different Websites Including Websites of 33 U.S. Dioceses

CatholicTV Widget Now on 154 Different Websites Including Websites of 33 U.S. Dioceses

WATERTOWN, MA- In November 2009, CatholicTV launched its widget "CatholicTVjr". Currently 154 different website owners have reported adding the widget to their websites. It's so easy to add that many agencies and parishes add the standard player to their websites.

The widget is a video player which can be embedded onto any website and allows website visitors to instantly watch over 30 different television programs by CatholicTV without charge. CatholicTV is a non-profit corporation.

Of the 154 websites which have added the widget, 33 are the websites of various dioceses across the United States including the Dioceses/Archdioceses of Miami, New Orleans, Orlando, Salt Lake City, Boston, Omaha, Gallup (TX), and many others.

CatholicTVjr has also been added to the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the websites of several chapters of the Knights of Columbus.

The offering of so much free television programming on the widget is unprecedented. All 4 major national television networks offer widgets, but only CatholicTV offers full-length programs for free. The President of the CatholicTV Network, Fr. Robert Reed came up with the idea because he had "the desire to share CatholicTV's content with dioceses, parishes, schools, and anyone who has a website. It's the world's first Catholic television widget", said Reed.

CatholicTVjr can be added to any website by visiting This URL offers the code that can be easily pasted into any website in about as much time as it takes to say a "Hail Mary". In addition, CatholicTV invites interested parties to request a customized version of CatholicTVjr which will only include the shows requested. CatholicTVjr is also available in 3 different sizes.

Most available programs are original CatholicTV programs and these include the Catholic movie review show "Spotlight", the Catholic reality-television series "House+Home", Vatican programming, the Catholic game show "WOW: The CatholicTV Challenge", Catholic news, Catholic Spanish programming and more.

CatholicTV also invites anyone who has professional quality video that exhibits the life of the Church in their local area to send it to CatholicTV where it just might be featured on CatholicTVjr around the globe.

About CatholicTV
Founded in 1955, CatholicTV is a national broadcast television network streaming a live feed 24 hours a day at  Heeding Pope Benedict XVI's call to greater utilize the power of television and new media, CatholicTV Network offers a wide range of programs aimed at children and adults, from uplifting advice shows to international news, game shows to travel, CatholicTV has something for everyone. Based in Watertown, MA outside of Boston, CatholicTV is available in 5.7 million homes nationwide. For access to CatholicTV programs, go to or download the CatholicTV mobile app for iPhone or iPad.

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