Monday, September 20, 2010

Saint Damien Stamp - You Can Help Make this Possible

From Brother John Samaha, S.M.

Here is an interesting and beneficial project to consider. I hope you will join the movement and invite your relatives and friends and organizations to join the effort and take action. Bishop Silva of Honolulu is planning an organized effort to promote this recognition of the heroic Father Damien.

St. Damien, pray for us!

Brother John

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The enthuasiatic reception given the 44-cent stamp honoring Mother Teresa (Blessed Teresa of Calcutta) provides an incentive for us to recommend that the United States Postal Service (USPS) issue a commemorative stamp to honor Father Damien of Molokai (St. Damien De Veuster), another great humanitarian serving the helpless.

The procedure is simple, and this is a good social action project for individuals and groups. Write a letter to the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee (CSAC) recommending that Damien of Molokai, the hero and helper of the neglected lepers, be pictured on a commemorative postage stamp. It takes only a few minutes of time and several written sentences to make the suggestion.

Information about the CSAC and its selection criteria can be found on the Internet at


or enter Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee on Google or another search engine.

Since persons of religious significance and their beliefs are not considered, refrain from using the title “Saint” or “Father.” Simply recommend that Damien De Veuster of Molokai be considered as an outstanding humanitarian of America who gave his life to serve the abandoned lepers of Hawaii. His statue represents the State of Hawaii in the national Capitol’s Statuary Hall. Damien is an internationally recognized hero of humanity.

Suggestions must be made in written form and mailed to:

Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee

Stamp Development – USPA

1735 N. Lynn St., Suite 5013

Arlington, VA 22209-6432

If you live in Hawaii, ask the governor and other civic officials to make such a recommendation to the CSAC.

Encourage friends and the members of organizations to which you belong to do the same.

Thank you for promoting this tribute to Damien of Molokai.

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