Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Prayer Novena for the Papal Visit to UK Begins September 15th

The following was shared by Donal Foley:
September 24th is the Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham National Shrine of Our Lady in England, Mary's Dowry.

The Novena period which precedes the Feast begins on Wednesday
15th of September - Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.

As this Novena period surrounds the Papal Visit - (September 16th to 19th) it is suggested that people pray the Novena for the following intentions:

"For God's mighty blessing and protection upon the Papal Visit
and for the Holy Father's intentions".

For overseas readers, perhaps the best way of joining in the Novena is to say the Rosary each day, or at least one decade, for this intention.

For UK readers, a Poster advertising the Novena is available via: antoniavb(at)talktalk(dot)net. 

Perhaps ask in your Parishes that it be displayed and ask for the
Novena intentions to be published in next week's parish newsletters.

Also, the newly printed Novena Booklets are available individually or
in bulk from St. Paul's Bookshop by Westminster Cathedralin
London www.stpauls.org.uk (Tel: 0207 828 5582) or individually
from the Slipper Chapel Bookshop (Tel: 01328 821 794) at the
Roman Catholic National Shrine in Walsingham

For this Novena of Prayer to enfold the Papal Visit in an ocean
of prayer and protection it needs everyone of you to do what you can
to advertise it and forward it on to others. Thank you so much!

May Our Lady of Walsingham pray for us and place her loving and
protective mantle around our beloved Holy Father Pope Benedict

Many thanks

God Bless our Pope!

'When England goes back to Walsingham, Our Lady will come back to England.'
(Prophecy of Pope Leo XIII)

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