Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pope Benedict in the UK

Photo source

For coverage of our Holy Father's trip, please check out the following sites and blogs:

Live Webcast

Jackie's blog BTW, thanks to Jackie for the above link

Pope Benedict in the UK The Official Blog for the Holy Father's visit to Scotland and England

Terry's Blog

Mac's Blog

Father Tim Finegan's Blog

If you know of any other good sites and blogs to add here, please let me know.

Also, today is the second day of the Novena for our Holy Father.


  1. Hello, I heard that EWTN did not show Susan Boyle singing for the pope. So here is the link to the video of her performance:

    Boyle sang I Dreamed a Dream and How Great Thou Art. She was amazing =)

  2. Thank you so much Carnival! I would not have seen this otherwise.
