Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Our Lady of Sorrows

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The Seven Dolors of Mary

1. The Prophecy of Simeon.
2. The Flight into Egypt.
3. The Loss of the Child Jesus
4. The Meeting of Jesus and Mary on the Way of the Cross.
5. The Crucifixion
6. Jesus' body Struck by a Lance, Taken Down from the Cross
7. The Burial of Jesus.

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"...On Calvary, we behold the thorns that wounded the adorable head of our Saviour, the nails that pierced His hands and feet, the lance that opened His Heart, the ropes that bound Him, the gall and vinegar He was given to drink, and the wounds which covered His body from Head to foot.

We can see the same wounds in the maternal Heart of His saintly Mother. 'The Cross and the nails which crucified the Son's body, crucified the Mother's Heart as well.'

St. Jerome quotes St. Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, as saying:  'All the wounds which covered the body of Jesus, had their counterpart in Mary's Heart.  The whips, the thorns, the nails, which pierced and tore the Saviour's body, ran through His holy Mother's Heart and shattered it.Every blow rending the body of the Son had its cruel echo in the Heart of His Mother.'

'O my Queen,' exclaims St. Bonaventure, 'Thou are not only standing near the Cross, but thou art with Thy Son on the Cross; Thou dost suffer, thou art crucified with Him, the only difference being that while He suffers in His body, thou dost suffer in thy loving Heart.  All the wounds scattered over His body are united in thy Heart, because the sword of sorrow has pierced they very soul.  Thy virginal Heart, O my sovereign Lady, is wounded by the lance, pierced by the nails and thorns, heaped with opprobrium, ignominy and imprecations, saturated with vinegar and gall.  Why wouldst thou, most honored Lady, be immolated for us?  Is not our Saviour's Passion sufficient for our salvation?  Must the mother also be crucified with her Son?  O sweetest Heart, so full of love, must thou then be changed into bitter sorrow?  I seek to behold thy loving Heart, my dearest Mistress, but it seems to have vanished and in its place I find only the bitterness of gall, myrrh and absinthe.  I seek the Mother of /God and I find only thorns, nails, a lance, a sponge and vinegar.  I look for Mary on the Cross and I see only spittle, insults, lashes and wounds, so truly has she been overwhelmed by outrages.

- from the Admirable Heart of Mary by St. John Eudes

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Stabat Mater

At the cross her station keeping,
Mary stood in sorrow weeping
When her Son was crucified.

While she waited in her anguish,
Seeing Christ in torment languish,
Bitter sorrow pierced her heart.

With what pain and desolation,
With what noble resignation,
Mary watched her dying Son.

Ever-patient in her yearning
Though her tear-filled eyes were burning,
Mary gazed upon her Son.

Who, that sorrow contemplating,
On that passion meditating,
Would not share the Virgin's grief?

Christ she saw, for our salvation,
Scourged with cruel acclamation,
Bruised and beaten by the rod.

Christ she saw with life-blood failing,
All her anguish unavailing,
Saw him breathe his very last.

Mary, fount of love's devotion,
Let me share with true emotion
All the sorrow you endured.

Virgin, ever interceding,
Hear me in my fervent pleading:
Fire me with your love of Christ.

Mother, may this prayer be granted:
That Christ's love may be implanted
In the depths of my poor soul.

At the cross, your sorrow sharing,
All your grief and torment bearing,
Let me stand and mourn with you.

Fairest maid of all creation,
Queen of hope and consolation,
Let me feel your grief sublime.

Virgin, in your love befriend me,
At the Judgment Day defend me.
Help me by your constant prayer.

Savior, when my life shall leave me,
Through your mother's prayers
receive me
With the fruits of victory.

Virgin of all virgins blest!
Listen to my fond request:
Let me share your grief divine

Let me, to my latest breath,
In my body bear the death
Of your dying Son divine.

Wounded with His every wound,
Steep my soul till it has swooned
In His very Blood away.

Be to me, O Virgin, nigh,
Lest in flames I burn and die,
In His awe-full judgment day.

Savior, when my life shall leave me,
Through your mother's prayers
receive me
With the fruits of victory.

While my body here decays
May my soul your goodness praise,
Safe in heaven eternally. Amen Alleluia.

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