Saturday, September 18, 2010

Newman the Blessed

..."Jesus said, 'No one is good but God alone' (Mk 10:18). He also said, 'So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect' (Mt 5:48). Newman understood no contradiction in these two statements, for the goodness of God can perfect imperfect human beings, through the 'sanctifying grace' which comes not from us but from God. 'If you ask me what you are to do in order to be perfect, I say, first -

- Do not lie in bed beyond the due time of rising;

- give your first thoughts to God;

- make a good visit to the Blessed Sacrament;

- say the Angelus devoutly;

- eat and drink to God's glory;

- say the rosary well;

- be recollected;

- keep out bad thoughts;

- make your evening meditation well;

- examine yourself daily;

- go to bed in good time, and you are already perfect.'"

From Father George William Rutler's column in the September, 2010 Magnificat.

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