Friday, September 17, 2010

Message from the Cardinal Newman Society

First of all, please check out their new blog. I am adding the link to the sidebar.

Before I depart for England to attend the extraordinary beatification of John Henry Newman by Pope Benedict XVI, I want to offer two opportunities:

1. Please send your prayer requests, and I will pray for Newman's intercession at Sunday's Beatification Mass celebrated by the Holy Father!

2. If you would like to follow the Holy Father's visit to England and our Official U.S. Pilgrimage to Newman's Beatification, be sure to follow us on Twitter and read our blog Campus Notes starting Wednesday.

Simply reply to this email** with your prayer requests, and our pilgrims and I will pray for your intentions at Cardinal Newman's beatification by Pope Benedict this Sunday! **(You may have to contact them on their blog or website).

We will also pray for your intentions during the first-ever Mass at the Newman Shrine in Birmingham, England, where Newman's remains are preserved. Deacon Jack Sullivan, whose back was healed by Newman's intercession, will assist at this Mass concelebrated by at least four bishops and the leader of Newman's Cause for Canonization.

And send this to your family and friends -- I would love to hear from them as well!

You've probably heard by now that The Cardinal Newman Society is leading the Official U.S. Pilgrimage to England for Cardinal Newman's beatification. We're so excited to be taking part in this momentous event in Church history with the Holy Father!

In addition to attending Mass with Pope Benedict for the beatification, we'll be visiting sites around historic Catholic England. This includes sites in Birmingham, Oxford, Littlemore, and even London!

Join us on this spiritual journey by following us on Twitter and reading our new blog
Campus Notes.

I leave for England just 2 days from now, so it's important that you reply to this email with your prayer intentions today.

As president of The Cardinal Newman Society, I've always asked for your continuing prayers for the success of our work. And thanks to your prayers, we have seen tremendous progress in the renewal of Catholic higher education.

Most recently I asked you to pray for our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI. Your outpouring of love was so incredible that more than 1 million prayers were pledged.

Now it's The Cardinal Newman Society's turn to pray for you! I will bring your intentions before Newman and the Holy Father at Sunday's beatification.

Yours in Christ,

Patrick J. Reilly
President, The Cardinal Newman Society

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