Saturday, August 14, 2010

Feast of Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, OFM, Conv.

Today is the Feast Day of St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe or as he is known in Polish, Św. Maksymilian Maria Kolbe. He was born Rajmund Kolbe.

Born in 1894. Died in 1941.

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"...there has come to help us the united love of the Holy Spirit and of the Immaculata, the mother full of mercy, the Mediatrix of all graces, an earthly creature like ourselves, who strongly attracts hearts to herself and to her motherly heart... (The Words of St. Maximilian (Journal reflection: “Our Purpose,” August 1940)

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"...Well, now, we have a mother in heaven, the personification of divine mercy, the Immaculata...Words of St. Maximilian Kolbe Magazine article: “More Thinking!”, November 1925)

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"...She is the mother of the Redeemer, hence also mother of the redeemed, Co-redemptrix..." The Words of St. Maximilian (Journal reflection: “The Immaculata is Yours—You are Hers,”
August 1940)

" child, must love her as your mother with all the generosity of your heart. She loved you enough to sacrifice God’s Son for you..."  The Words of St. Maximilian (Journal reflection: “The Immaculata is Yours—You are Hers,”
August 1940)

"...Be hers—her property. Let her make free use of you and dispose of you without any limits for whatever purpose she wishes. Let her be your owner, your Lady and absolute Queen..." The Words of St. Maximilian (Journal reflection: “The Immaculata is Yours—You are Hers,”August 1940)

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"...Belong to the Immaculata so that your conscience, becoming ever purer, may be purified still more; become immaculate, as she is for Jesus, so you, too, may become a mother and conqueror of hearts for her..." The Words of St. Maximilian (Journal reflection: “The Immaculata is Yours—You are Hers,”August 1940)

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"...The sole desire of the Immaculata is to lift the level of our spiritual life until it reaches the height of sanctity..." The Words of St. Maximilian (Magazine article: “Purpose of the Militia of the Immaculata,”  December 1937)

"...We can consecrate ourselves to the Immaculata by making use of any formula, as long as we renounce our own wills and adhere to her orders, which are made known to us in the commandments of God and of the Church, in the duties of our state in life, and in internal inspirations..." The Words of St. Maximilian (Magazine article: “Purpose of the Militia of the Immaculata,”  December 1937)

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"...Only when we are perfectly obedient to the Immaculata shall we become worthy instruments in her apostolic hands. We shall be apostles by the example of our lives, apostles by offering others the help of our actions..." The Words of St. Maximilian (Magazine article: “Purpose of the Militia of the Immaculata,”  December 1937)

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"...By putting her will into practice you show genuine, substantial love for her, for Jesus and for the Father. You become holy..."  The Words of St. Maximilian
(Journal reflection: “The Immaculate is Yours—You are Hers,”  August 1940)
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"...Whatever the Father wills, the Son and the Holy Spirit will likewise. Jesus and the Immaculata will it, too; their wills never contradict each other..." The Words of St. Maximilian (Journal reflection: “The Immaculate is Yours—You are Hers,”  August 1940)
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"...She will keep you from falling if you place your trust in her, not relying at all on yourself—if you do on your part what you can, not to fall, with her help..." The Words of St. Maximilian (Journal reflection: “The Immaculate is Yours—You are Hers,”  August 1940)

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"...Do not forget that holiness consists not in extraordinary actions, but in performing well your duties toward God, yourself and others..." The Words of St. Maximilian (Journal reflection: “The Immaculate is Yours—You are Hers,”  August 1940)

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"...Whoever becomes her possession in an increasingly perfect manner, in this fashion will exercise an ever greater influence in the milieu in which he is placed and will spur others on to know the Immaculata ever more perfectly, to love her ever more ardently, to draw ever closer to her, and to consecrate oneself to her to the point of becoming totally and without any limitation her very self. A soul of this kind, totally possessed by the Immaculata, will conquer an increasing number of souls for her, using every legitimate means, and will become not only her property, but her knight, a soldier of the Immaculata! ..."The Words of St. Maximilian (Magazine article: “On the MI,” December 1936)

Source for the Words of St. Maximilian Kolbe

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