Saturday, July 03, 2010

Happy Independence Day, America!

Magnificat of America

America, Our America!
Hold to the Vision of Mary,
Mary Immaculate.
Her glory fills the earth,
She is our race,
Its 'solitary boast.'
She, alone with out sin,
Keeps the doom of wrath from thee,
Who art defending Her glory.
She, Conqueror of evil,
Conquers evil fro thee,
Who art resisting evil.

America, our America!
Pray always to Mary,
Mary Immaculate.
She, the Mother to Nations-
She, the Mother of Christ,
The Lord of all nations,
She guards them and guides,
Subduing their hates,
Inspiring their spirits.
She mourns for the prodigals,
As childless mothers mourn,
Torn by their treasons.

America, our America!
Give thy heart o Mary,
Mary Immaculate.
Join Her prayer of praise,
All Heaven attending,
For our land that is free.
Sing though Her song of Joy,
All nations listening,
Giving thanks to God.
Sing thou thy song of souls,
The Magnificat of Mary,
The Magnificat of America.

- Cardinal Francis Joseph Spellman
From the July Magnificat.

Painting of the Immaculate Conception by Murillo.

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