Saturday, July 17, 2010

Father Gruner and the Fatima Crusader

A friend recently offered to lend me a Catholic magazine because it contained an article by John Salza's warnings  Catholics of Freemasonry. Of course, I took her up on her offer. However, when I saw that the magazine was the Fatima Crusader, I was wondering how I could gently but firmly warn my her about Father Nicholas Gruner, the owner of the Fatima Crusader, who is has been stripped of his priestly faculties.

I often find copies of the Fatima Crusader in the local churches. It is filled with erroneous messages that the Popes had not yet obeyed our Lady of Fatima's message of consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I haven't seen a copy recently, other than the one my friend lent me. But they used to be filled with beautiful Catholic artwork; very appealing to the eye yet with articles that will lead Catholics astray if they are not careful.

I found an article that I will be sharing with that friend and I thought readers here may be interested in reading it too.

Father Nicholas Gruner, The Man Who Harms Our Lady of Fatima


  1. Anonymous4:42 AM

    This is a very touchy topic with many Catholics these days because of the present state of our own country. We as you know are like a runaway train with our present socialist/communist president. He is clearly driving our country to Communism. Many good Catholics would like to believe that the consecration was done but then they look around them and say how could this be? Do you have some help or answers for them?

  2. Well, I believe that the issue with Father Gruner is that Russia was not consecrated. As for the Catholics in the United States, I believe firmly that we must be loyal to the Magisterium and our Holy Father Benedict XVI. We need to be obedient no matter what, that means being obedient to our bishop. We need to trust in God but we must also pray and make reparations.

    Being disobedient even when errors are made will not help matters.

  3. Anonymous3:27 AM

    P.S. I am very grateful for the article you posted on Fatima Crusader. I had to leave a parish once because a group within held such contrary views that were one-sided and not loyal to the Pope. The magazine was allowed to be kept in the back of the church.

  4. Anonymous3:46 PM

    anonymous... I have been geting a lot of literature from Father Gruner and it is very confusing. You know a lot of things are really very immoral in this world and I,m afraid this is what Our Lady was talking about. I am 73 yrs. old and the nuns in the 40,s and 50,s scared us to death. I still have that feeling of unworthyness. People prayed alot more than they do now. Please pray for me. Thank You

  5. I am praying for you. If you want to read what an approved Fatima apostolate has to say, please check out .

  6. Holtster5:57 AM

    I find it interesting how the majority of the blogs do not mention specifics but are vague and generalizing. Is Russia consecrated? If not then you may find any opinion that points this out somewhat critical of the church. If Russia is not consecrated what do you suppose God thinks? Who is disobedient now? Really, this is a one horse show and you need to cut through all the vagaries and speculation and get to the heart of the matter!

  7. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I have pondered Father Gruner for a very long time, and I do not doubt his sincerity--although his lean toward certain political opinions remind me of my Dad saying "ya know I'm right hon" :) Dad and I do agree on the Faith--but our politics are definitely at odds. I think that there is a little of this with Fr. Gruner...he wants it to be 1953 again when we could point a finger at the enemy and call it communism, say rosaries for Russia, and install Federal Signal Thunderbolt Sirens in every town. What is the message of Fatima? I am SURE that Mary would not teach anything contrary to her son...and I also know that St. Paul said that if anyone--an angel--ANYONE preached a DIFFERENT GOSPEL that what he had left them in the deposit of faith..then such are to be considered accursed (anathema). So....the faith...the sacraments...especially the mass..and yes the rosary...are God's gift to us to share and to celebrate...but with the humility of knowing that God is working out his purpose--and that is not a cop out--that is the word from Sunday readings! God Bless us.

  8. You state that Fr. Gruner has been stripped of his priestly faculties. May I suggest you provide proof, otherwise, you are guilty of calumniating a priest.

    Second, do you have proof that any pope has consecrated Russia by name to the Immaculate Heart of Mary? Pope John Paul II, the last pope to attempt a consecration, openly admitted that it was not done according to the wishes of Our Lady. And even if that doesn't convince you, then please point out how the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary has taken place? End of abortion? No. End of homosexuality? No. End of wars? No. Peace in the world? No. The list goes on. Our Lady didn't lie, she said that a time of peace would be granted to the world if the Pope did what she asked. If our world today is what the triumph of the Immaculate Heart looks like, then something went horribly wrong.

  9. Mark, “The Congregation for the Clergy, upon the mandate from a higher authority, wishes to state that Rev. Nicholas Gruner is under an a divinis suspension.” -

  10. We must be aware of this publication. Instead of distortion and fighting amongst ourselves we must continue to pray. Many changes have taken place in Russia but peace will be difficult to obtain if we do not live the message. The Consecration has been blown into a smokescreen and has derailed our thoughts.The Pope said it is done, SisterLucia said our Lady has accepted it. Let us move forward and begin with the spread of truth. How can we have peace without peace among ourselves.

  11. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I used to be a loyal follower of Fr. Gruner for years. I always watched his morning show and regularly received his magazine. He sensationalized 2 persons in his publication, Josef Terelva and Archbishop Minigo. Terelva, a Ukrainian claimed that he got messages from our Blessed Mother and one of the messages was something really bad will happen in 1998 and Fr. Gruner warned about it. Of course nothing happened. Many of his magazine issues talked about Satanism being practiced in the Vatican and Fr. Gruner asked that it should be investigated. His source was Archbishop Minigo who ran away with a woman and got married in Rev. Moon's korean church. Fr. Gruner is a very dangerous man...

  12. This stuff used to captivate me but I came to believe that it was monopolizing so many Catholics...their time and thought and emotions and, of course, money.
    I thought of the decades of millions of lives obsessing over all this...when people could be helping others in countless ways.
    So I don't believe it's of God.
    A simple spirituality and love of neighbor...that's what God loves to see.

  13. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I have been following Fr.
    Gruner for many years. If you want to know and understand the scope of the situation with the lack of the Consecration of Russia to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart, and to fully grasp the gravity of where we are in our world situation, I strongly suggest that you contact the Fatima Crusade organization, and ask to receive copies of its magazines, so as to read and get the information that you need. There are phenomenal books available that will help you to know about this matter. The Devil's Final Battle and The Mystery Of Iniquity, books written by Father Paul Kramer, are very very in depth, and I would also suggest reading anything by Mr. Christopher Ferrara and Mr. Mark Fellows. These two men really know their Fatima History. Hope this helps. May I sincerely encourage all readers to pray their Rosaries, and to study their Catholic Faith. We are in very serious times, and we need to really increase our prayers and our ability to share the truth of the Catholic Faith with others. May God bless all of you who read this.
