Saturday, July 03, 2010

Death of the Virgin Mary

Please check out this very interesting painting by Caravaggio on Terry's blog. I had not seen this particular painting before and it was a bit shocking to see the Blessed Mother portrayed in such a vulnerable manner. It makes me wonder what Caravaggio mindset or inspiration was when he decided to paint this particular subject in such an unusual way.

Terry: BTW, I wanted to leave you a comment at your blog. Are you familiar with a painting "The Assumption of Mary Magadelene."  Have you ever heard this story before?  Thanks!


  1. Dear Esther,

    I believe that The Assumption of Mary Magdalene has been painted by Jusepe de Ribera, José Antolinez, Domenichino and others.

    Where and when the tradition arose that St Mary Magdalene`s body was subject to the same privilege as the Blessed Virgin Mary , I simply do not know.

    It would seem to be contrary to the Traditions of the Catholic and Greek Churches.

    I have always veered off the subject in my blog

    Hope you and the family are well and will have a good and festive Fourth of July

    BTW the comments section on my blog seems extremely temperamental. Sometimes it seems to work oter times it does not. I am not technically minded. I have always allowed comments. Why there are problems I really don`t know.

    Kind regards


  2. Thanks for the link.

    Happy Fourth!o

  3. Hi Terry:
    Thank you. I believe I saw the one by de Ribera. Strange that those artists who appear to be Spanish and Italian and therefore I assume Catholic would paint so controversial a subject matter. I haven't shared it on my blog either for probably the same reasons as you.

    As for your 4th of July wishes, thank you very much!

    I do not know why the comment sections are like that. I will ask my son, maybe he knows.

    Aloha for now,

    My pleasure Elizabeth. I thought the painting was beautiful, not just your typical BVM painting is all.

  4. My Zoe walked by as I looked and recognized the painting. She said it was in her Seton Spelling.

  5. Mary, Seton does use wonderful works of Catholic art. Thank you!
