Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rosary Rally - Ending the Year of the Priests

At 10 o'clock AM today, a group of us gathered in front of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace.  We prayed the Holy Rosary for the intentions of all our priests and in union with other dioceses around the United States, to close out the Year for Priests.

We used Cardinal Carberry's Rosary for priests to pray for priests' special intentions.  That very beautiful rosary can be found here.

Following the Rosary recitation, Father Vince Inghilterra, graciously thanked us on behalf of all the priests, for remembering them and for praying for them.  He asked us to continue praying for all priests.

Father gave us a beautiful blessing and thus ended the Year for Priests in the Diocese of Honolulu.

I do want to thank everyone who attended and especially Cami for making this possible.  She really worked fast in organizing considering the late notice.

Remember:  Pray for our Priests!!

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