Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Public Relations for Catholic Priests? Unique Website to Be Discussed on Live CatholicTV Talk Show


Public Relations for Catholic Priests? Unique Website to Be Discussed on Live CatholicTV Talk Show

BOSTON-On June 25th, a unique website which posts thank you letters to priests will be discussed on the live CatholicTV talk show "This is the Day".

The creators of the website (letterstopriests.com) write that the purpose of the site is to "promote positive public relations of Catholic Priests." The website publishes stories written by average citizens (anyone can submit stories) who want to thank the priests who have affected their lives in positive ways. The stories range from a heroic, civil rights activist priest, to a priest who expressed tremendous joy even after being imprisoned and tortured in a Nazi concentration camp.

Matthew Warner, a contributing writer at the National Catholic Register wrote a positive review about the site saying that he liked the idea "Since it involves such a diversity of perspectives it has the potential to be a comprehensive collection of unique insights into the various ways priests benefit the community." Warner also mentioned the tragedy "that a very small percentage of bad priests have given a bad name to so many good ones."

This is the Day airs at 10:30AM ET at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV. The show is rebroadcast at 7:30PM.

Anne Hughes will be interviewed on This is the Day on June 25th. She helped to organize Letters to Priests and plans to publish a book which will be a collection of the letters submitted to the website.

Also to be interviewed on This is the Day, will be Liz Abramo, a high school junior from Massachusetts. She will talk about being a Catholic leader amongst her peer group.

Episodes of This is the Day are posted on the site's archives starting the same night of the broadcast day. All videos at the website are viewable in full-screen. Paste this URL into your browser in order to access the "This is the Day" video archives. http://www.CatholicTV.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=72

CatholicTV broadcasts across the US on Sky Angel channel 142, and selected cable outlets in New England and in Chattanooga (TN) where CatholicTV is available on FiTV channel 153. To find out where to watch CatholicTV visit: http://www.CatholicTV.com/schedule/where-to-watch.aspx

CatholicTV is a nationally-broadcasted television network streaming a live feed 24 hours a day at CatholicTV.com. Heeding Pope Benedict XVI's call to greater utilize the power of television and new media, the CatholicTV Network features its cable TV station, Catholic web site, mobile apps and widget. Celebrate Mass online; pray The Rosary; enjoy programs on prayer, the saints, the Scriptures and the Catholic Church on America's Catholic Television Network.

"This is the Day" can also be seen on demand at www.CatholicTV.com or downloaded via iTunes.com.and SQPN.com The hosts, Director of CatholicTV, Father Robert Reed, and General Manager, Jay Fadden discuss various topics of the week and respond to viewer mail (you may email the show at thisistheday@CatholicTV.com)

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