Saturday, June 05, 2010

Interested in the Top 200 Catholic Blogs?

Well, apparently blogger Eric Sammons was. He came up with a way to find out exactly that answer. Check out the results of the 25 most popular Catholic Blogs as well as a link to the top 200 Catholic Blogs over at Most Popular Catholic Blogs


  1. Congratulations to Esther and A Catholic Mom in Hawaii blog!!!

    That doesn't count the many, many local visitors you have that are not bloggers. I know!!! LOL.

  2. This was great! Unfortunately I just enabled the Subscription feature on my own blog a few minutes ago after reading what it was based on. Oops! It never occurred to me to enable this feature. If you hadn't posted this link I would never have noticed. So...thank you, Esther. I'm quite computer illiterate but I guess most people have realized that by now :)
    This list is a great way to find good Catholic blogs!

  3. :-) Thanks Easter. That is nice to know.

    Mary, for the longest time, the same thing happened to me.

  4. You too? I wonder how many other bloggers have done the same? You still did very well! Congratulations! I thanked him for not publishing the lowest (lol).

  5. When I first started blogging, I didn't know anything about RSS feeds.
    Thank you Mary.
