Wednesday, June 02, 2010

From the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi: Novena of Atonement to the Sacred Heart

Nine-day prayer of reparation begins June 2, concludes with the feast of the Sacred Heart on June 11.

Rome, Italy. May 31, 2010. As the feast of the Sacred Heart approaches, all Legionaries and consecrated members of Regnum Christi will be praying a special novena of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus this June 2 – 11. We invite all Regnum Christi members and friends to join us. (Links to two novena prayers you might want to use are offered below.)

This is a unique stage in the history of the Legion and the Regnum Christi Movement. The very grave and objectively immoral actions of our founder have left deep wounds. They have caused a grave scandal, both inside and outside of our spiritual family. We have all felt its effects, and perhaps our certainties and hopes have undergone some doubts and questions. In times like these, there is only one person to whom we can turn: Christ, the only one who makes all things new.

Read the rest here

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