Wednesday, June 02, 2010

First Thursday - Plenary Indulgence

A reminder from Father Z. Thank you Father!
BTW, I will also take the time to remind those of you in the Diocese of Honolulu, that there will be adoration, procession and Mass to close the Year of the Priest, tomorrow, Thursday, June 3rd, at the Co-Cathedral. The event starts at 5pm. Confession will be available that evening prior to Mass.
Remember! The final 1st Thursday in Year for Priests.
In this year dedicated to priests and prayer for priests, Holy Church has provided lay people with a special plenary indulgence on first Thursdays of each month.

For the faithful, a plenary indulgence can be obtained on the opening and closing days of the Year for Priests, on the 150th anniversary of the death of St. Jean-Marie Vianney, on the first Thursday of the month, or on any other day established by the ordinaries of particular places for the good of the faithful.

To obtain the indulgence the faithful must attend Mass in an oratory or Church and offer prayers to "Jesus Christ, supreme and eternal Priest, for the priests of the Church, or perform any good work to sanctify and mould them to his heart."

The conditions for the faithful for earning a plenary indulgence are to have gone to confession and prayed for the intentions designated by the Pope.

This is the last 1st Thursday in the Year for Priests. The last opportunity for this indulgence with be the final day of the Year for Priests.

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