Tuesday, May 04, 2010

WAF National Pilgrim Virgin Statue Tour

A Pontifical Organization
The National Blue Army Shrine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

World Apostolate of Fatima
National Pilgrim Virgin Statue Tour

Is Underway in Denver
May 1-23, 2010

Our Lady began a 23 day tour of the Archdiocese of Denver, on May 1, 2010

We're all members and/or supporters of the Family of the WAF from Alaska to Florida and California to Maine and all around the world.

We're all also members of the Mystical Body of Christ.

As loving brothers and sisters let's come to the aid of our kindred spirits in the Archdiocese of Denver as they endure difficulties, overcome obstacles and bring graces from above to many during the course of this 23 day tour.

Whatever success they are graced to achieve will benefit all.

Let us all Unite in Prayer for the success of Our Lady's tour:

Let us pray that many souls will come to see her beautiful image and find consolation, comfort, and peace of soul in her presence.

Let us pray that all who come will be touched by grace in a special way.

Let us pray that all who come will be enlightened in mind and moved in heart by the talk Mr. Bill Sockey will deliver.

Let us pray that they may embrace and begin to live the Message of Fatima they will hear, and acquire a desire to learn more about it.

Let us pray that they will recognize the importance and urgency of the Message of Fatima today and feel compelled to share it with others.

Let us pray that they will become active and supportive members of the Family of the WAF.

Please share these sentiments with your relatives, friends and neighbors to get the word out to everyone.

Thank you all for your support of our brothers and sisters in Denver!

His Blessed Mother,
Deacon Robert Ellis

In the Sacred Heart of Jesus & the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Deacon Bob Ellis

National Coordinator

World Apostolate of Fatima, USA



visit us at: www.wafusa.org

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A Pontifical Association of the Faithful


  1. Thank you very much Esther for all your kind comments.
    As you may be aware I have a very high regard for your blog which is of a very high standard.
    God bless you and in all your work which is highly regarded by many


  2. Why thank you Terry! I try to post about things that can help us grow spiritually. God bless you and your work too. You are very kind.
