Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Prayer Request for Father Peter Rookey as He Celebrates 70th Year of Ordination

Thanks to Ed for the photo

On May 17th, Father Peter Rookey, the beloved healing priest, celebrated his 70th year of ordination to the priesthood. Thanks to a couple of friends, one being Ed, for providing me with Father's contact information. I was able to call Father and speak to him. He gave me a lovely blessing over the phone!

If you would like to contact Father to wish him a happy anniversary, please call him at 708-748-6279 or write him at: International Compassion Ministry Servite FR. Peter M. Rookey Our Lady of Sorrows 3121 W. Jackson Blvd.Chicago, IL 60612.

More importantly, please offer Father a spiritual bouquet.


  1. Joseph J Clancy1:39 PM

    subnes-You married my parents, and 3 of my 5 older sisters in Angola, IN. You knew me as Jerry Clancy.

    God Bless You.

  2. Joseph, I will see if we can get your message to Father.

  3. please pray for nathan joyce his appendix burst and after surgery he took a heart attack he is only nine years old please can you say a special prayer from galway,ireland. all prayers accepted thank you.

  4. I will post a prayer request for Nathan Joyce. God bless,

  5. judith10:26 AM

    Please pray for my sister joicelyn who is suffering from a damaged bladder and unable to pass urine . She is 46 years old and her husband has left her with 2 kids.


  6. Please leave prayer request for Father Rookey at his website:
