Saturday, May 01, 2010

Flowers for a Mary's Garden

Photo by Esther G.

You are all pure, O Mary.
And there is in you no stain of sin.

A rise my beloved, my beautiful one,
and come!
For see, the winter is past,
the rains are over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth,
the time of pruning the vines has come,
and the song of the dove is heard in our land.
The fig tree puts forth its figs,
and the vines, in bloom, give forth fragrance.
Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one,
and come!

- (Song 2:10-13)

Blessed are you, O Mary.
For the world's salvation came forth from you.
- New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book

Today would be a good day to start a Mary's Garden. It is the first day of the month traditionally dedicated to honoring God's Blessed Mother.  It is also First Saturday.

 It is traditional to plant flowers and plants that symbolize the Blessed Mother, Jesus, St. Joseph or an event in the life of Christ.  The flowers and plants I have included are specifically ones that symbolize an aspect of our Blessed Mother.  I have selected flowers and plants that are readily available in Hawaii.  At the bottom of this post, there is a link to the source of these plants.  There you will find other plants that you may use in your own Mary's Garden.

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The rose plant should be in every Mary's Garden.  It in itself symbolizes Our blessed Mother Mary.

Photo Source

- Morning Glory (Our Mary's Mantle)

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- Peony (Mary's Rose)

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- Gypsophila: Baby's Breath (Mary's Veil)

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- Begonia (Heart of Mary)

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- Camellia (Mary's Purity)

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- Canna (Rosary Beads)

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- Carnation (Mary's Love of God)

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- Clematis Virginiana (Virgin's Bower)

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- Easter Lily (Mary's Innocence and Purity)

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- Fern (Lady's Hair)

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- Geranium (Lady Beautiful)

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- Hydrangea (Ave Maria)

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- Impatiens (Our Lady's Earrings or Mother Love)

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- Jasmine: Pikake in Hawaiian (Mary)

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- Marigold (Mary's Gold)

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- Petunia (Lady's Praise)

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- Strawberry (Fruitful Virgin)

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- Water Lily (Lady of the Lake)


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- Parsley (Our Lady's Little Vine)

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- Sage (Mary's Shawl)

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- Rosemary (Mary's Nosegay)

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- Thyme (The Virgin's Humility)

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- Marjoram (Mary's Bedstraw)

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- Spearmint (Mary's Mint)

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- Feverfew (Mary's Flower)

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- Chamomile (Lady's Flower)

Information on the plants and flowers used are from here.

For help in planting a Mary's Garden, click here or here

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