Saturday, May 15, 2010

Feast of San Isidro Labrador (Saint Isidore the Farmer)

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Prayer to Saint Isidore (Farmer) and
Saint Maria de Cabeza (Farm Wife)

O holy Isidore and Maria, continue to intercede for those who work the fields and grow our daily food. Ask our Merciful God to continue to bless their efforts to produce abundant food and fiber.

We ask your prayerful aid in the cultivation of the fields of our hearts. Help us through God’s grace to grow in holiness and accept the grace-filled opportunities God gives to us in our work, our marriages and our everyday lives.

O holy Isidore, intercede with our Lord to send angels to aid us in opening our hearts so that one day, enlightened by God’s wisdom and having grown in God's likeness, we may join you and all the Saints in Heaven.

O Most Holy Trinity, you have created us out of your love. We pray that we will always recognize your presence in all that we are, all that we do, and all that we will become.
Help us realize that your Message of Salvation is found in all of Creation -- the fields, the plants, living water, fresh air, all creatures, love for one another.

We await in joy and hope for the day, O Merciful God, when we will be united with You in your Heavenly Kingdom.

Fr. Pat's Place: St. Isidore the Farmer

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