Monday, April 05, 2010

Seven Weeks of Easter - 50 Ways to Keep the Joy Alive

Sacred Heart Church, Honolulu
Photo by Esther G.

Easter is the most important feast of the Christian year—so important that the church sets aside a full fifty days to celebrate Jesus’ victory over sin and death. Not many of us are used to sustaining an "Easter spirit" of celebration all the way to Pentecost, though, so here are fifty easy suggestions. Don’t try to do them all! Each week, just pick a few ideas that work for you and your family. You’ll be rejoicing long after the last jelly bean is gone.

1. Light a special candle during meals to recall the light of Christ.

2. Every day, read together from the Easter story: Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20-21.

3. Plan fun family activities—one for every week of Easter.

4. Put up a sign or banner that proclaims, “He is risen!”

5. Was anyone received into the church during your parish Easter Vigil? Invite them over...
Read the rest at The Word Among Us

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