Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Boston Catholic Men’s Conference With Former NFL Player and ‘Crossing the Goal’ TV Personalities Will Air on CatholicTV

Note:  This blog will now be posting press releases from CatholicTV.  We will continue to post press releases from EWTN and Aid to the Church in Need, as well.



Boston Catholic Men's Conference With Former NFL Player and ‘Crossing the Goal' TV Personalities Will Air on CatholicTV

On April 17th, CatholicTV will air The 2010 Boston Catholic Men's Conference. The conference will feature the team from the television show ‘Crossing the Goal'. The team includes Danny Abramowicz (former NFL player) , Curtis Martin (Founder of FOCUS), Peter Herbeck (Renewal Ministries) and Brian Patrick (a professional  broadcaster). The theme of the conference is "Crossing the Goal…Together in Christ"

The conference will include talks by the men from Crossing the Goal and also Mass with Boston's Cardinal Séan O'Malley as chief celebrant. 

The conference will stream at starting at 4PM (all times EST) and will air simultaneously on CatholicTV. The schedule will be as follows:

4:00 PM Talk #1: Conversion – Peter Herbeck
4:35 PM  Talk #2: Transformation – Danny Abramowicz
5:10 PM Talk #3- Mission/Evangelization – Curtis Martin
5:45 PM Talk #4 – The Gift of Priests in the Year of the Priest – Curtis Martin
6:30 PM  (CatholicTV) Rosary
7:00 PM  Mass with Cardinal Seán O'Malley
To register, or learn more about the Boston Catholic Men's Conference visit:  

CatholicTV also recently aired the 2010 Boston Women's Conference, which featured talks by author Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle (a friend of Mother Teresa's), Leah Darrow (featured on the reality show "America's Next Top Model" before her conversion), Patti Mansfield (Charismatic Renewal pioneer) and Sister Olga Yaqob who has been called "The Mother Teresa of Baghdad". Video of the Women's Conference is accessible now at:  

About the Boston Catholic Men's Conference: Established the fall of 2004, during a small Catholic Men's Group meeting at Saint Paul Parish in Cambridge MA, one of the participants asked "How can this group help Archbishop Sean rebuild the Church in Boston?" Now, in it's sixth year the conference has heeded the call from the Archbishop at his Installation Mass for all Catholics in the Archdiocese to join him in helping to move the Church of Boston forward.  

About Crossing the Goal: Crossing the Goal" is a television show broadcasting on EWTN, it uses a sports show format to encourage men to get into spiritual shape. Coach Abramowicz says, "He and his team consisting of Peter Herbeck, Vice President, Renewal Ministries; Curtis Martin, Founder of Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS); and professional broadcaster, Brian Patrick—provide real solutions to the spiritual challenges men face." Segments include "The Kickoff" where the problem of the day is quickly presented; "The Game Plan," where two team members lay out the facts men need to know; "The Red Zone," where the team talks about how they've dealt with the problem in their own lives, and the "End Zone," where each team member gives the audience a take-away for the week. Learn more at
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