Monday, April 26, 2010

New Book by Theotokos Books

Donal Foley of Theotokos Books alerted me about a new book published by them. It is entitled Marthe Robin & the Foyers of Charity.

I must admit I was not familiar with Marthe Robin or the Foyers of Charity. But after read a little about her, thanks to Donal, I look forward to learning more about her.

I wanted to share the information on this book now before I read it because I think you would benefit from it now rather than waiting for me to complete reading the book and then waiting for the book review.

Therefore, I will share what Donal has to say about the new book:
Marthe Robin & the Foyers of Charity

Marthe Robin & the Foyers of Charity by Martin Blake is now available!

This book looks at the life of Marthe Robin, the French mystic, who, with Fr Georges Finet, co-founded the Foyer of Charity community at Châteauneuf-de-Galaure in southeastern France in 1936. There are now 75 Foyer communities throughout the world, and their work involves a priest, the Father of the Foyer, giving 5 day retreats in silence, during which the members of the community look after the needs of the retreatants and pray for them.

“Martin Blake is to be warmly thanked and congratulated on writing this informative and highly readable biography of Marthe for English-speaking readers. It is truly a ground-breaking work …” From the foreword by Mgr Keith Barltrop

In reading Marthe Robin & the Foyers of Charity readers will learn about:

The early life and mission of Marthe Robin
How she gradually became paralysed and was confined to bed
How she lived Christ’s passion every week for fifty years
How she met Fr Georges Finet and they founded the First Foyer in l936
Details of the witness of some of the 100,000 visitors she received
What prominent French thinkers and Priests thought of Marthe
How Marthe encouraged many of the new Ecclesial Communities
Her death in 1981, and development of the Foyer movement

“The Foyers give an authentic doctrinal and spiritual teaching in a climate of silence, charity, and devotion to Mary, which opens souls to conversion, deepens their life with God and leads them to the apostolate.” - Pope Paul VI

To order a copy of Marthe Robin and the Foyers of Charity please visit:

Theotokos Books or your local bookseller.

Enquiries from Bookshops are welcome - 35% discount plus free shipping for orders of 5 copies or more, UK and USA, (6 copies Ireland and Europe). For more details please email:

Marthe Robin and the Foyers of Charity is paperback-softcover, Demy Octavo size (8.5 in. x 5.5 in.), has 13 chapters, and 160 pages. ISBN 9780955074622.

Extracts from the book, including the Foreword, Preface, Introduction and the first chapter, can be seen here

It costs £7.95 / $11.95 / 8.95 euros, (approx. £10 incl. p & p if ordered online).

Note: If you live in the U.S. and would like to order from Theotokos Books, please email Donal directly. It makes ordering and shipping to the U.S. easier. That is what I did on a previous occasion.


  1. I'm intrigued by the name of the Publishers, as that is such an Orthodox term, and clearly a Catholic publishing company.

    Anyway, I look forward to hearing your thoughts when you finish

  2. Mimi, I guess that would catch your eye :-)

    I like to find similarities with saints, feasts days, etc. with the Orthodox religion. Just the other day I was reading in Victories of the Martyrs of a saint, who I was not familiar with but who is venerated by the Orthodox church. I will have to get back to you on the name.

  3. Ooooh, I look forward to it!

    I agree, I like the fact that the pre-Schism saints (as we tend to call them) are venerated by both of our faiths.

  4. I think it was St. Timothy and St. Maura.

    Also, I started reading this book on Marthe Robin. It is so good!!!

  5. Awesome! Holy Saints, pray to God for us!
