Friday, April 23, 2010

ACN News - Living Biblically in India



Living Biblically in India

Studying the Bible is transforming the lives of Christians in north-east India and leading to practical action.
Speaking to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), Fr. Thomas Manjaly, Bible professor at the Oriens Theological College, Shillong, told the Catholic charity that the Scriptures are central to Catholics living in India’s Meghalaya State.

He said, “The Bible occupies a very important place in the life of the Church in north India – one main reason being the large Protestant influence in the region.”

More than 70 percent of the inhabitants of Meghalaya are Christian, and, according to Fr. Manjaly up to 60 percent of the Christians in north-east India are Protestant.

He added, “They have a developed Bible culture which has come into the Catholic communities, which is a very positive thing.”
Bible study is central to a movement of small Christian communities that have been developed in Catholic parishes over the last 15 years.
Fr. Manjaly said, “To a large extent they have helped to get people more engaged with the Word of God.
“They listen to the Bible in small groups, hear it explained and then pray the Word.”
He explained how these groups help the faithful to apply the Bible to their lives and put what they have studied into practice.
“They, as a group, will do something not only at an intellectual level, or at an emotional level, but also at a practical level.”
“It could be improving my relationships with others, forgiving someone who has hurt me, or helping someone in the community. It depends on the particular text taking for the reflection.”
Diocesan Biblical outreach programs have received funding from Aid to the Church in Need.

He said: “ACN has been a great supporter of our Biblical Pastoral ministry.”

“We are very grateful for this sort of help which makes the Word of God better known and better understood. God bless you.”
He went on to describe how Catholic families honor the Bible by putting it in a special place in their homes, where it becomes the center of a quasi-shrine.

Fr. Manjaly described how this “enthronement” of the Bible is performed by a local community leader, a Catechist, or a religious Sister who visits the family.

The ceremony takes the form of a short prayer service prepared by the Church in the local language.

Fr. Manjaly, who is a member of the Vatican’s Pontifical Biblical Commission, explained how it is common for the family to read the Bible together.

He said, “Some people in the house may not be able to read, so someone who does will read it to the whole family.”
The Bible is also shaping modern worship in the region.
Fr. Manjaly said, “Until the last quarter of the last century we followed hymns in the local language Khasi, translated from those brought over by the Germany and Italian missionaries.
“There has been an attempt to compose hymns in Khasi language, using Khasi music – drawn from the texts of scripture – so that it’s not Italian music, or German music, or Spanish music, but our music.”
The priest told ACN how the new hymns are based on the Gospel – the parables, or the Gospel narratives of the life of Jesus – or on the epistles of St. Paul or Psalms.

With picture of Fr. Thomas Manjaly of Oriens Theological College, Shillong, Meghalaya

Editor’s Notes:

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Directly under the Holy Father, Aid to the Church in Need supports the faithful wherever they are persecuted, oppressed or in pastoral need.  ACN is a Catholic charity - helping to bring Christ to the world through prayer, information and action.  
Founded in 1947 by Father Werenfried van Straaten, whom Pope John Paul II named “An Outstanding Apostle of Charity,” the organization is now at work in over 145 countries throughout the world. 
The charity undertakes thousands of projects every year including providing transport for clergy and lay Church workers, construction of church buildings, funding for priests and nuns and help to train seminarians. Since the initiative’s launch in 1979, 43 million Aid to the Church in Need Child’s Bibles have been distributed worldwide.
For more information contact Michael Varenne at or call 718-609-0939 or fax718-609-0938. Aid to the Church in Need, 725 Leonard Street, PO Box 220384, Brooklyn, NY 11222-0384.

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