Thursday, March 11, 2010

Quote by St. Clare - On the Soul of the Faithful Person

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Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could always be mindful of the value and dignity of every individual soul we encounter!

Indeed, it is now clear that the soul of the faithful person, the most worthy of all creatures because of the grace of God, is greater than heaven itself, since the heavens and the rest of creation cannot contain their creator, only a faithful soul is His dwelling place and throne, and this only through the charity that the wicked lack. The Truth says: Whoever loves me will be loved by My Father, and I too shall love him, and We shall come to him and make Our dwelling place with him.

-St. Clare of Assisi, The Third Letter to St. Agnes of Prague.

Add this to the fact that Jesus died for the individual soul. How can we not dedicate ourselves to the salvation of souls? - Padre
Thanks Padre Vince!

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