Monday, March 29, 2010

Catholic Blogosphere Defending Our Holy Father.

One cannot pick up a paper, listen to the news or even the internet without coming across vicious attacks and innuendos against His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI with regard to more scandals involving priests.  Here at this blog, I have been asking everyone who visits to keep him in your prayers.  I have not posted any of the libelous articles because I do not want to help give those rumormongers any exposure, especially if the intentions and agendas were evil. 

I do want to share with you though, links of blog posts defending our Holy Father, who is carrying his latest cross with grace and dignity...very Christ-like.

1. From the Telegraph: Pope Benedict XVI is Part of the Solution, Not the Problem

2. Father Trigilio's An Inconvenient Truth BTW, I also have Father to thank for the first article.

3. Scoundrel Times by George Weigel

4. Telegraph's Damien Thompson's Cardinal Ratzinger acted powerfully against abusers, says Archbishop Vincent Nichols

5. Father Z's I am Angry and Sad About this New Round of Exposure of Sins and Crimes

6. The Anchoress' Praying for the Pope for All She also has links to other articles, one of which is the following:

7. A Response to the New York Times by Fr. Raymond J. de Souza

8. Idle Speculations' Calling Cardinal Newman

There are any other blogs who are defending the Holy Father against this current wave of vicious attacks.  A big mahalo to all of them for defending the Vicar of Christ.


  1. Thank you very much for the link and kind comment. It is appreciated.

    Could I ask that you publicise the official response of Cardinal Levada on the official Vatican website to the scurrilous comments about The Holy Father. It is at

    So much damage has been done by these false stories. It is important that the truth gets out.

    Many thanks again


  2. Sure will Terry. Mahalo!

  3. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Thank you for providing the links to the various websites. The NY Times and AP continue in their innuendo and speculation. More disturbing is the anti-Catholic response to these reports. God Bless and protect Pope Benedict!


  4. Jo, I can't believe how the MSM continues to attack our beloved Holy Father.
    God bless,
