Saturday, February 13, 2010

Loving Him to Folly

I have come to understand today that even if I did not accomplish any of the things the Lord is demanding of me, I know that I shall be rewarded as if I had fulfilled everything, because He sees the intention with which I begin, and even if He called me to himself today, the work would not suffer at all by that, because He himself is the Lord of both the work and the worker.

My part is to love Him to folly; all works are nothing more than a tiny drop before Him. It is love that has meaning and power and merit. He has opened up great horizons in my soul-love compensates for the chasms.

Saint Faustina Kowalska

Thank you to Ed for sharing the above meditation with me. Be sure to check out the other wonderfully inspirational posts at his blog.


  1. Good morning
    That is such a reassuring post. Thanks for sharing it. Today, I have posted on my blog a video of Irena Sendler. She was a Polish woman who risked her life again and again to save thousands of Jewish children during WWII. That, I think, is "Loving Him to Folly"! She was a wonderful little lady and today is the centenary of her birth so I posted the video because she deserves to be known. God bless you.

  2. Oh, thank you for letting me know. I so admire her.

  3. This is a wonderful meditation Esther.
