Saturday, February 20, 2010

Catholic Homeschooling Mom's Miraculous Come Back

It has been a while since I received any updates on Catholic Homeschooling mom Kathy H. The last I heard, we were asked to storm heaven for a miracle because Kathy health was rapidly failing. Kathy went from having a failing kidney transplant removed, to being diagnosed with a rare and deadly form of kidney cancer. She was a young mom with two little girls and a husband who loved and needed her.

I believe it was Easter who suggested that we ask Blessed Mother Marianne Cope for her intercession in healing Kathy. Blessed Mother Marianne still needs one miracle attributed to her in order for her to be proclaimed a saint.

It was during this time that my family and I went on our first trip to Kalaupapa. We specifically prayed in front of Bl. Mother Marianne's gravesite, for Kathy's intentions.

Like Easter, I firmly believe it was Blessed Mother Marianne who has indeed interceded for Kathy's healing.

Easter shared on her blog an incredible story of Kathy's recent finish at the  Aloha Run.


  1. Esther...what an incredible story! I read about Kathy over at Easter's place. I would definitely call this a miracle!

  2. Nancy, let's just hope there is supporting documentation that could propel our beloved Bl. Mother Marianne Cope to sainthood.
