Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Prayer for True Devotion to Our Lady

"My dear Mother and Mistress, I realise that up to now
I have received from God through your intercession
more graces than I deserve.
But bitter experience has taught me that I carry
these riches in a very fragile vessel and
that I am too weak and sinful to guard them by myself.
Please accept in trust everything I possess,
and in your faithfulness and power keep it for me.
If you watch over me, I shall lose nothing.
If you support me, I shall not fail.
If you protect me, I shall be safe from my enemies."

I found the above prayer on paragraph 173 of True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, the spiritual classic by St. Louis de Montfort.

There may be no better way to get ourselves and our loved ones to Heaven then by becoming true slaves of Jesus and Mary. It is a shame that it is only now that I have discovered the secret to true happiness and peace. This peace will only come to those truly devoted to God's Mother and through her, to her Son. She loves us as her little children. She wants the best for us. She is the only one who is close enough to God and who can present our petitions in a way that only a real mother can.

The word slave should not have a negative connotation here. Instead, we should embrace it with all our heart. We should dedicate our lives, thoughts, actions, our families... everything to our Mother's care. She will take take of everything.

By offering our lives like this, we are freed from worries. We are taken care of by God. Mary will see to it that we are.

I really wish I had known about this when I was a very little girl.

True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin

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