Monday, January 04, 2010

My First Award of 2010 - Sisters in Faith Award

And, I have the lovely Catholic Mom in Minnesota my friend Tracy, bestowing this honor on me.

Thank you very much Tracy. I am truly touched by the gesture.

I should mention that this lovely award originated over at Blessings For the Day
The rules are as follows...and by the way, all the ladies on the sidebar truly deserve this award. blog awards go, you are supposed to pass them on to others who you feel represent the spirit of the award... In this case, the instructions are:
1. To pass this award on to sisters who have been blogging with me from almost the beginning,
2. Include at least one new Sister In Faith.

1. Chris of Domestic Vocation

2. Barb the SFO Mom

3. Jean of Catholic Fire

4. Tracy of the Woodland Word

5. Ellen From Across the Net

These ladies have been blogging with me from almost the beginning...2006.

And the new Sister of Faith, is MaryEllen of Grandma's Musings even though I've known Maryellen for a while, she was not with me at the beginning. She therefore falls into the new category.


  1. Congratulations and well deserved.

  2. Thank you, Esther! :) It's been a pleasure to read your words at the blog and at FB.

  3. Thank you, Esther!:)

    God bless you!

    I posted my awards here:
