Friday, January 22, 2010

MULTIMEDIA Prayers for Life: Respect Life Mass and procession

The following was shared with me in a comment:

Archbishop Robert J. Carlson led the faithful on a procession from Cathedral Basilica to Planned Parenthood to give witness to the more than 50 million unborn children who have lost their lives by abortion since 1973. The protesters prayed for the mothers of the unborn children and for our nation in hopes it will adopt public policies that protect life.

This multimedia slideshow features photographs from the rosary march with Archbishop Robert Carlson with audio interview from Beth Lauver, Director of Respect Life Apostolate for the Archdiocese of St. Louis.

St. Louis Review Prayers for Life


  1. Hi Ester,
    I love your T-shirt. A few years ago, our diocese distributed bumper stickers and buttons with the same logo and picture.
    Thank you for sharing your witness. At Mass today, Father talked about how he always went to the March for Life in Washington, DC when he was a seminarian.
    Also, a good day to pray for Saint Gianna Beretta Molla, one of my favorite saints.

  2. Thanks Gail! So wonderful to see so many pro-life priests!

    YW Cathy.
