Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Five Glorious Mysteries Pictures and Reflections

The Resurrection of Jesus by Perugino

Jesus rises from the dead, glorious and immortal, on Easter Sunday.  He conquers death and opens the gates of heaven.

Resolution:  I will live with Christ, so that I may rise with Him.

The Ascension of Jesus Christ by Giotto

Forty days after His Resurrection, Jesus ascends, in the presence of His Mother and His disciples, into heaven.

Resolution:  I will follow the example of Christ on earth, because I hope to be with Him in heaven.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit on Mary and the Apostles by Jean Restout

Ten Days after the Ascension, the Holy Ghost descends in tongues on fire upon Mary and the disciples.

Resolution:  I will love God and my neighbor.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven by Bartolome Murillo

The Apostles go to the tomb where they had laid the body of the Mother of God. They find that the angels had borne their Queen to Heaven.

Resolution: I will praise Mary through the Rosary.

The Coronation of the Blessed Mother by Diego Velasquez

The Mother of God, to the joy of all the angels and saints, is crowned Queen of Heaven by her Divine Son.

Resolution: I will love Mary as my Queen and Mother.


  1. Esther, you have chosen absolutely beautiful pictures!!
