Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Prayer to the Blessed Mother of God: for Dying to Self

Jesus and Mary

Hail, white lily of the bright and ever-peaceful Trinity! Hail, blossoming rose of everlasting beauty! Hail, illustrious Queen of heaven, flowing with unspeakable delights, O Virgin Mary.

Of you, O blessed one, did Jesus Christ, King of heaven, brightness of his Father's glory, will to be born, and by your milk to be fed. You did wrap him in swaddling bands; carry him in your arms; cherish him in your bosom; cover him with embraces and kisses. May he vouchsafe, by your intercession, to feed my soul with his inflowing graces.

O my special Advocate, turn your merciful eyes upon me. Obtain for me by your prayers the full remission of my sins, perfect self-denial and mortification. Obtain for me a heart pure, meek, full of kindness for others, and wounded by the love of your most sweet Son. Obtain for me true freedom and detachment of spirit, that my Lord Jesus Christ himself may find in me peace of joy.

I venerate you; I call upon you; I offer to you, to increase your joy, the Heart of your son only Son, and I beg of you lovingly to help and comfort me during the whole time of my exile here below, and especially at the hour of my death. Amen.
- Blosius the Venerable - Magnificat 2009 December issue.

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