Monday, December 07, 2009

New Website Added to Sidebar - Catholic Heroes

I think I'd better just share Ivan's entire email with you:
Hi Friends,

Christmas is around the corner and we realize how difficult it can be to pause and reflect with your family and children about the true spirit of Christmas. To make it easier for you, we created an attractive online storybook on the life of Saint Nicholas. It is fun, colorful and inspirational!

Discover the real story behind the Santa Claus legend through this FREE attractive online storybook!

Catholic Heroes of the Faith presents the life story of Saint Nicholas, a young, wealthy boy who after becoming an orphan found joy in serving the most needy.

Born in Turkey to a wealthy and devoted Christian family, Nicholas’ faith was challenged with the sudden death of his parents.

Struggling in his loss, Nicholas soon discovered great joy when he began using his inherited wealth as a means to alleviate the hardships in the lives of others less fortunate. Moved by a profound love for Christ and the poor, Nicholas distributed his inheritance among the needy, the sick, and the suffering. Thus Nicholas soon became known as the joyful giver of gifts!

Make this holiday season a special occasion as you enjoy the web-based story of this great Catholic hero and let your lives be challenged by his example of joyful generosity! And don’t forget your friends! Help us promote this inspirational resource by posting our link on your blog. We thank you in advance.

Merry Christmas!

More About "Catholic Heroes of the Faith"
Catholic Heroes of the Faith is an animated series, geared primarily to children 8-12 years of age, which presents true-life accounts of outstanding early church heroes of the Catholic faith. “The Story of Saint Perpetua” is the inaugural episode of the series. When kids see what God can do through a person devoted to His will and purposes, they too may want to demonstrate an unswerving commitment to Christ and His Church.

For more info visit Catholic Heroes of the Faith

Ivan Leon
Communications Director
Herald Entertainment
3001 S. Hardin Blvd.
Ste. 110 #333
McKinney, TX 75070

Connect with Us

Catholic Heroes of the Faith
Twitter: @catholicheroes


“The scriptwriters did their homework well, and have produced a story with a high degree of historical accuracy. The artwork is also of a consistently high quality. The richness of the colors and the vividness of the character drawings are at times reminiscent of The Prince of Egypt and other Hollywood productions." Carl Sommers - Catholic Educator and Author

“Well done and quite inspirational! I was very impressed indeed, both with the historical accuracy of the content and with the entertainment value.” Rod Bennett - Author of "Four Witnesses: The Early Church in Her Own Words."

Catholic Heroes of the Faith is an extraordinary and exciting effort to bring the faith alive for children and the young-at-heart alike. It’s professional, polished, well-written, engaging and inspirational. My 8-year-old LOVED ‘St. Perpetua.’" Al Kresta - President and CEO of Ave Maria Radio, Host of “Kresta in the Afternoon”

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