Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Dark Night of a Priestly Soul

Persecuted Priests
...Seven years ago today, on December 29, 2002, a brother priest in my diocese took his own life. Father Richard Lower was 57 years old. He was a popular and very gifted – and giving – priest and human being. Father Lower had served Our Lady of Fatima Parish in New London, New Hampshire for the previous thirteen years, and he was much beloved by his parish family.

There was a lot that happened in Father Lower’s personal life over the preceding year. He had undergone his sixth painful back surgery. Then he developed septicemia for which he was hospitalized again. Father Lower’s mother died that November. These factors, and likely others that are unknown, left Father Lower physically, emotionally, and spiritually bereft to face the newest terror that was to enter his life two days after Christmas seven years ago...
Please take the time to read the rest of Father Gordon MacRae's post about the tragedy that befell another persecuted priest, over at Priests in Crisis


  1. I can totally understand this. i lost my mother this year and I think to lose your mom just changes you in some way. If he was facing a lot of pain and despair in the face of deep grief, I can understand why suicide might seem like an option. Thanks for sharing this Esther, I will pray for the repose of his soul.

  2. Thank you Elena. My condolences to your family.
