Thursday, November 19, 2009

This Weekend CCHD Collection: What You Should Know

As you may already know, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development will be collecting this weekend at your local parishes. I have been posting links and videos to make my readers aware that the monies may still be going to support groups whose agendas are blatantly contrary to Catholic teachings.

If you caught EWTN's the World Over last Friday, you heard the two guests (the founder of Bellarmine Veritas Ministry (BVM) and Michael Hichborn of The American Life League give information they obtained through diligent research, revealing that the CCHD may still be contributing monies collected by you and me, to pro-abortion, pro-homosexual groups.

If you want to learn more about this, please visit: Reform the Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Here in Hawaii, the Diocese has recently posted the following on the website: Catholic Campaign for Human Development Sets the Record Straight. The following are excerpts:
Across our nation, CCHD is helping thousands of low- income families improve their lives and communities, to seek justice and to defend their dignity. As we approach the annual CCHD collection, we urge your generous support of the help and hope that CCHD has offered for decades. CCHD is needed now more than ever in these tough economic times when so many families are suffering and poverty is growing. As the Bishops responsible for the oversight of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, we pledge our ongoing efforts to ensure that all CCHD funds are used faithfully, effectively, and in accord with Catholic social and moral teaching.

All CCHD grants are carefully reviewed at both the national and diocesan levels and are approved by the local diocesan bishop. No group that opposes Catholic social or moral teaching is eligible for CCHD funding. If any CCHD funded group violates the conditions of a grant and acts in conflict with Catholic teaching, CCHD funding is immediately terminated...
A response to the above Bishops' statement by BVM can be found here.

When my family and I found out last year that our hard earned monies we contributed went to fund ACORN, we, decided that we could not in good conscience contribute to the CCHD. We chose instead to sent our monies to a worthwhile and organization who was loyal to church teaching.

We plan on doing the same thing this year.


  1. Great job, Esther
    I especially appreciate that you have still chosen to give, but to another charity that is loyal to Catholic teaching.

    That's our decision, also.
    I thank God for his faithful servants like you.

  2. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Alinsky Groups, Child Porn Convict, Socialist Tied to CCHD Funding
