Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Remember those Who Grieve this Thanksgiving

This is the first Thanksgiving without my father. My mother is sad. My entire family will really miss my dad's presence tomorrow. I am very grateful for my friend Alexandra for sharing Father Austin Fleming's post about praying for those who grieve and to Father Fleming for the prayer and post:
Dear God,

There is an empty chair at our table,
an ache in our hearts
and tears on our faces.

We may try to shield one another
from the grief we bear
but we cannot hide it from you.

The absence of (name/names)
shadows this day
and clouds our homecoming.

Open our eyes and our hearts
to the healing rays
of the light of your presence.

Assure us, Lord, that those we miss
have a place at your table
and a home in your heart.

Open our hearts to joy
in the memories of the love
we shared with (name/names).

Help us to remember and tell the stories
that make present the past
and those we have lost.

Teach us to lean on one another
and on you, Lord,
for the strength we need at this time.

Give us quiet moments
with you, with our thoughts,
with our memories and prayers.

Be with us, Lord,
and hold us in your arms
as you hold those we miss.

This is the day you have made, Lord:
help us to rejoice in it
and in the promise of your peace.

Let us pray in the words Jesus gave us,
Our Father...

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving, and may your Father's Memory be Eternal.
