Friday, November 20, 2009

Motion Picture About 'One Of Those Quiet Heroes' - "Tears in the Desert"

Father Camarda

Motion Picture About 'One Of Those Quiet Heroes'

Navy Chaplain Father Ron Moses Camarda's book / diary TEAR IN THE DESERT, about his journey into the harsh reality of the Iraq War in 2004, soon to be a motion picture.

November 2009, Grafton, WI / Atlantic Beach , FL

Film & TV Producer Christian Peschken recently obtained the exclusive film rights of Fr. Ron Moses Camarda's book / diary "TEAR IN THE DESERT"

Father Ron Camarda, a Roman Catholic Priest, was recalled to Active Duty to serve with the Marines during the Battle for Fallujah, Iraq (2004). At Bravo Surgical (Marine equivalent to a M.A.S.H. unit) he received over 1500 casualties and 81 deaths. When he returned home he found his work was not done. Walking with the widows and families left behind has been filled with great love and compassion. This is a walk with God into the war in the desert, only to find that the real war is within the human heart.

In his book "TEAR IN THE DESERT" Fr. Ron documents the touching and horrific events that he encountered on a daily basis.

"This story needs to be told. Now is the right time. Not only did Fr. Ron make a difference in the soldier's life, but also in the life of their relatives. Fr. Ron is a typical anti hero, a quiet hero. His story is perfect for a movie with a strong message, namely, and I quote Pope John Paul II, "War is a defeat for Humanity", says producer Christian Peschken. "I see this film along the lines of "Midnight Express", and hope to have a similar success. We have interest from domestic and international distributors already. I chose to shoot the film in South Africa.

Not only because of the incentives that will cover almost 30% of the budget , but also because of the great variety of locations that match Iraq", says Peschken.
At this time the producer seeks private investors to fund the film, to be shot in 2010 in South Africa, Florida, and Las Vegas, NV.

Christian Peschken is a seasoned Film & TV producer Christian Peschken . Since
2009 he is involved mostly with Catholic Faith related productions, that air on EWTN, Catholic TV and other Catholic media systems.
For interviews or more about the project please contact Mr. Christian Peschken at

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