Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Feast of San Martín de Porres

San Martin de PorresPicture source: Gefroh Family


Señor Nuestro Jesucristo, que dijiste "pedid y recibiréis", humildemente te suplicamos que, por la intercesión de San Martín de Porres, escuches nuestros ruegos.

Renueva, te suplicamos, los milagros que por su intercesión durante su vida realizaste, y concédenos la gracia que te pedimos si es para bien de nuestra alma. Así sea.


Lord Jesus Christ, who said "ask and you shall receive" we humbly ask that through the intercession of Saint Martin de Porres, listen to our prayers.

We ask you to renew the miracles that through his life, were granted through his intercession, obtain for us the grace we ask, if it be for the good of our souls, so be it.

Translation: Esther G.

Prayer Source

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