Wednesday, November 04, 2009

All Saints Day

St. Rita
Because of the St. Damien celebration on All Saints Day, I did not have a chance to post on the Feast Day of All Saints. As you can see, St. Rita of Cascia (actually of Hawaii) made an appearance at the Mass. Thank you Theresa for letting me share Rita's photo!

I hope you enjoy these pictures by some of our favorite nuns over at Moniales OP. I would have shared one of their photos here but I did not want to ruin the fun :-) See if you can guess which two are my favorites.


  1. Edther - I enjoyed the nuns and their clever. I also love the young girl in her nun's habit.
    My big question though is...the lady behind the young girl. Is that a piece of material with saints printed on it. I'm thinking that would be a wonderful Haloween outfit for me to dress as a living "holy card". Any information would be greatly appreciated....maybe she would let me borrow it next year....just terrific.

  2. Micki, that is actually a dress by a local artist who designed Aloha shirts and dresses with the theme of Father Damien (now Saint Damien) and Mother Marianne Cope.

  3. Esther - Thank you for your response. What a fabulous idea regarding using the theme of St. Damien and Mother Marianne Cope.
    That is a beautiful tribute.

  4. We loved that picture of Rita!!!

  5. You're welcome Micki.

    Easter, didn't she look cute.
