Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Top 10 Influential Men of the 2000's; Who are Yours?

Jean wants to know Who are your 10 Ten Most Influential Men of the 2000's

Here is my list:

1. My late Father. Now that he is gone I realize more and more how much he influenced me my entire life. He was seldom wrong about reading people and situations.

2. My husband. He may be soft-spoken and gentle but I have learn that he is very wise when it comes to important decisions.

3. Pope Benedict XVI. He is so wise and intellectual. You see the Holy Spirit inspiring him.

4. Archbishop Charles Chaput

5. Father Benedict Groeschel

6. Fr. Frank Pavone

7. Scott Hahn

8. David Bereit National Director 40 Days for Life

9. Archbishop Raymond Burke

10. Eduardo Verástegui

Who would you pick for your list?

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