Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Peruvian Cardinal Will Be Praying to El Señor de los Milagros for the Unborn

El Senor de Los Milagros
Note: The month of October is dedicated to El Señor de los Milagros (The Lord of Miracles). Every Catholic Peruvian household has an image like the one above, prominently displayed in their home.
During Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of Lima, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne prayed to the Lord of Miracles for protection of “the lives of the weakest and most innocent, of those who are in the wombs of their mothers.”

In the presence of Peru's President Alan Garcia and other officials, the cardinal said, “The world is going through a very particular situation. Lord of Miracles, protect the wombs of these mothers, protect the legal realm, confuse those who threaten human life in order to prevent them from causing harm...”
Read the rest here

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