Friday, October 09, 2009

Imprisoned Priest Blogger

Thanks to Bill Donohue of the Catholic League and Suzanne of Priests in Crisis I learned of Fr. Gordon McCrae's plight. Please take the time to read Father's story, especially his latest blog post over at These Stoned Walls, perhaps leave Father a friendly or message of hope and above all, please keep him in your daily prayers.


  1. Oh, I'm so glad to see you're posting on this!

    I've been following his blog/comment/posting on it for months! Have gotten a few replies from him and, for those who follow his blog, he often says in his posts how much the comments, support and prayers have been incredibly helpful to him.

    Please keep him in your prayers daily!

  2. Adoro, so glad you did that.

  3. Prayers ascending. And congrats on your new Hawaiian Saint, Esther! (though i'm sure he has long been considered such before his canonisation!)

  4. Thanks Deb!! It is like one big party feeling here in Hawaii. Thanks for the prayers for Father Gordon also.
